OrthoticME® Custom Orthotics

The longitudinal arch height of a foot orthotic is arguably the most important feature for the effectiveness and comfort of a foot orthotic or custom ankle/foot brace.

We feel that indexing the anatomical arch height and orthotic arch height is a breakthrough that will make a big difference for predicting outcomes.

OAR™ stands for Orthotic/Anatomical Ratio. In order to provide better comfort and less pain, the Orthotic must sufficiently unweight the bony prominences.  We have uncovered underutilized offloading pressure distribution opportunities.

Quantifying the Anatomical Arch Height with a repeatable and consistent methodology can be achieved with our scanning system.

Using owner/inventor Ian Engelman’s years of experience and expertise, we’ve created our new OrthoticMe biometric solutions.

The OrthoticME, top view
The Orthotic ME, bottom view
Insightful Orthotics Icon

OrthoticMe Custom Orthotics are now available to be custom ordered by qualifying physicians using our app*.

The foot harness next to the iphone

Our qualified providers are equipped with our proprietary foot harness and mirror system, allows you to scan a patients’ foot with any iPhone and send your measurements for a custom product.