Blaze MI Testimonial
Sometimes custom bracing is the only solution for such things as Posterior Tibial Dysfunction (PTTD). Video Transcript: Well, basically this brace really changed my life because I couldn’t walk very well before without pain and now I can walk without pain. I can work out in the gym. I can hike again. I can do […]
How to Cast for AFO (Custom Ankle Braces)
There are a variety of casting techniques used for custom AFO’s or custom ankle braces. The video describes the best casting techniques and strategies that can be used to optimize custom bracing outcomes. Video Transcript:What the foot looks like in a neutral position when you get this…So what we try to communicate to our customers […]
Post Tib Solution – Blaze Brace Biomechanics
Solution for Post Tib or Posterior Tibial Tendon dysfunction (PTTD) and related biomechanics – custom brace (AFO) solution for Post Tib tendonitis that may help avoid the need for surgery. Video Transcript: In this video, we’re going to explore bracing techniques used to treat medial instability, specifically the principles used by the Blaze Brace. We […]
AFO Solutions – Reliefs or Windows
In this Week’s video blog, we discuss the use of reliefs or windows in Insightful’s ankle bracing techniques. In the case of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), the medial column of the ankle can be collapsed which results in prominent areas of the foot and ankle. While we attempt to make correction to the PTTD, […]
Saying ‘PTTD’ is misleading: It’s time for a new lexicon to distinguish pathologies
Lower Extremity Review (LER) Magazine Excerpt.By Ian Engelman, MS, CPO. Ian Engelman, MS, CPO, developer of the patented Blaze MI AFO for medial column breakdown, is owner and President of Insightful Products, LLC. He also developed the Step-Smart Brace for drop foot and the Funnel shoe horn. Have you read Outliers: The Story of Success by […]
Best Post Tib Brace
In this video blog, we discuss the importance of casting the post tib patient’s foot and ankle in a neutral position. If the cast is taken in a full weight bearing position, it can be difficult to provide the needed correction to the AFO or custom ankle brace for posterior tibial tendonitis. Video Transcript: Hi, […]
New Custom AFO for PTD Testimonial, Dr. Marc Feder, DPM
Dr. Marc Feder, DPM, talks about the new Blaze MI AFO for post-tib (Posterior Tibial Tendonitis or PTD). The Blaze MI ankle brace is a custom ankle foot orthosis that helps people with medial ankle instability. It is an articulated design that works well for those with early-stage PTTD.
Blaze MI AFO testimonial and strap adjustment instructions
In this Foot of the week, a patient explains his success with the Blaze AFO and Ian Engelman, CPO, describes how to determine and adjust the length of the AFO strap.
Custom AFO testimonial – Dr. Rosen, DPM
Dr. Rosen, DPM endorses Insightful Product’s Blaze MI brace for PTD (post tib) and the custom Step-Smart brace for drop foot. Both AFOs have helped his podiatry practice and he is very satisfied with Insightful’s customer service.
Foot of the Week – Episode 6 – AFO Solutions
In this week’s video blog, we show you our preferred method of “ankle brace casting” for a custom AFO. Although, we will take any type of cast, we prefer the STS sock, ranging from STS slipper casts, 3/4 length STS casts and full length STS sock casts.